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lakefront & Waterfront park

Public Input

The public participation process included various 3 focus groups and 2 public open houses where St. Cloud residents could provide input on their desires and needs for the future of the park. All meetings were held in the same format facilitated by the consultant team staff to answer questions and provide guidance to participants.

Focus Groups

  • City Staff

  • Stakeholders

  • Public

Economic Overlay

In addition to public input, an economic overlay was considered in the Master Plan design process to capitalize on additional economic opportunities within the park site based on an economic opportunities evaluation.

The following additional amenities were considered as part of the park program:

• Civic Event Venue
• Hotel or Inn
• Retail/Restaurant Space
• Seaplane Base

Finally, an associated Conceptual Rough Magnitude of Cost was provided to assist the City with understanding their future capital improvements budget and implementation plan.


1. Existing Conditions Plans

Provided a “hands-on” exercise for the public to discuss their desires and
concerns. Participants could write directly on the existing conditions plan to
voice areas of concern, desires, or favorite aspects of the park as it stands

2. Red Dot/Green Dot Exercise

Voting exercise for the public to express their ideas for the program and
aesthetic direction for the park. Participants could vote to like (green) or
dislike (red) on images of ideas and inspiration elements for the waterfront
and discuss the types of elements they would like to see in the future park.

Big Ideas

The following Big Ideas represent desires and needs expressed through the
public participation process.

  1. Preserve and enhance the existing nature and beauty of the park

  2. Increase safety of pedestrians and cyclists particularly at intersections

  3. Create a more comfortable experience through increased shade and bench seating

  4. Alleviate parking pressures in the park

  5. Reduce boat and jet ski conflicts by separating use areas


adding more pedestrian crossings


increasing parking was the #1 request


adding benches and shade to trails


and preserve the natural beauty of the park

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